Language assessment
Schooling options for newly arrived international students in the City of Odense.
Language assessment
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Upon inquiry, please include the following information:
• Full name of the child/children
• CPR number, if available. Otherwise include the CPR numbers of the parents. If no CPR numbers are available, include the child's birthdate.
• The child's mother tongue language/primary language
• Your address
• Your contact details
• Your preferred language of communication
Reception class counsellor
Iben Karlsen Monie +45 20 58 14 43 ibekm@odense.dkProcedure for reception and referral of newly arrived students
Depending on the newly arrived student’s language proficiency and adaptability there are two schooling options in the City of Odense:
- Flexible Reception Agreement (DA: modtageflex-ordning)
- Takes place at the local district school for grades 0-9
- Reception classes (DA: modtagelsesklasser)
- Takes place at Åløkkeskolen (grades 0-6) and at Dalumskolen (grades 7-9)
Flexible Reception Agreement
As part of the flexible reception agreement, the local district schools accept newly arrived students with a reasonable language base in their mother tongue who have had coherent and unproblematic schooling before their arrival to Denmark. Whether the family has the necessary social resources to support their children's schooling to a reasonable extent is also considered.
The student will be enrolled in a regular class at the local district school and receive support for children with Danish as a second language.
Reception classes
The schools, Åløkkeskolen and Dalumskolen, accept students who have special circumstances in their lives in addition to their need for language support. These may be circumstances that prevent the students from benefitting adequately from being enrolled in a regular class with support for children with Danish as a second language.
If the newly arrived students need additional screening to determine their need for language support during the school start, they will also be referred to a reception class until the right schooling option is found for them.
Organization of the flexible reception arrangement in district schools
In accordance with the rules for teaching Danish as a second language, the elements in the organization of the basic education can differ from school to school and is based on the needs of the individual student. Regardless of how a district school chooses to organize the flexible reception agreement, the student has his or her primary affiliation with one class.
- The basic education can be given in small groups outside the regular class where the students in need of basic teaching/language support have separate group classes for a few hours a week. The number of hours can vary based on the needs of the students and their progress.
- The basic education can also be one-to-one sessions if, for example, there are no other newly arrived students at the district school or if the student would benefit from individual sessions more than from group sessions.
- If it is logistically possible and if it will benefit the newly arrived students’ learning, it is also possible to group newly arrived students from several district schools and teach them together.
The basic education must, as much as possible, be linked to the education that takes place in the newly arrived student’s regular class. In the beginning, the teaching will, however, be focused on the basics of learning Danish which is typically not directly related to the curriculum of the student’s regular class.