Religious organizations
Odense has a number of different religious organisations, some of which offer services in additional languages to Danish.

There are many different religious organisations in Odense. In this section, you will find contact information for a number of them.
If the religious organization that you are looking for is not listed here, please contact us, and we will do our best to help you.
Buddhism Center
The Buddhistisk Center Odense (Buddhism Center Odense) is a Diamond Way Buddhist centre founded by Lama Ole Nydahl. The centre is part of the Karma Kadjy school in Denmark and holds meditation evenings every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The meditation evenings are free and open to the public.
Please visit the website of Buddhistisk Center Odense (in Danish) for more details and contact information.
The Danish Lutheran Church
Odense Domkirke
Odense Domkirke offers church services in English once a month on a Saturday at 10 AM.
The service is open to anyone who would like to attend a service in English. The service is followed by coffee and tea.
International Church Service is also offered in Danish and English the first Saturday of the month (except in July) at 6 PM in the cathedral
For contact information and more details about upcoming services in English, see the website of FTS.
Church services in English at Skt. Hans Church
Skt. Hans Church is a Lutheran Evangelical church situated in the middle of Odense, at Sankt Hans Pl. 1, 5000 Odense C. The church offers Sunday service every Sunday at 10:00, where there is always a translation of the sermon into English. Moreover, they provide alternative services such as choirs, bible study groups, and a Christianity basics course (Alpha).
Mosques and Muslim community organizations
There are a number of mosques and Muslim community organisations in Odense to choose from. Below is a list of some of the ones you can find.
Østre Stationsvej 38
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 65 91 15 60
Tyrkisk-Islamisk Kulturforening
(The Turkish - Islamic Cultural Association)
Pjentedamsgade 31
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 66 12 43 34
Dansk-Arabisk Kultur og Videnskab
(Danish - Arabic Culture and Science)
Kochsgade 11
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 66 19 33 25
Det Islamiske Trossamfund på Fyn
(The Islamic community on Funen)
Ørbækvej 274
5220 Odense SØ
Tel: +45 50 37 02 13
For information, see the Facebook page of the community.
Rugårdsvej 117
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 63 12 34 63
Pakistan Islamic Welfare Society
Havnegade 3
5000 Odense C
Tel: +45 65 91 15 60
Romanian Orthodox parish
The Romanian Orthodox parish in Odense is led by parish priest Mihai Hornicai.
More information about the parish, including when services are held, can be found on the Romanian Orthodox parish Facebook page.
Catholic church
The Catholic church of Odense is located at Albani Torv. The majority of services are held in Danish, but the church also holds services in Vietnamese, English and Polish.
Masses in English are held:
1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of every month at 19:00.
3rd Sunday of every month at 15:00.
More information about the times and dates of services can be found on the church website here.