Family and Children
Good to know when raising children in Denmark and Odense.

Childcare in Odense
School start and after school activities (SFO)
Family benefits
When you have children in Denmark, you may qualify for various family benefits. Family benefits are administered by Udbetaling Danmark - Public Benefits Administration. Find more information about family benefits on
Pregnancy and birth
You should contact your doctor to get relevant information and support throughout the pregnancy. Your doctor will refer you to a midwife, who will provide you with information about relevant antenatal courses and information.Find guidance about pregnancy, birth and small children from The Danish Health Authority
The municipal health services for families with small children
The municipal health services provide health visitors (nurses) and school health care.If you give birth in Denmark or have moved here with a baby, you will be assigned a health visitor (in Danish: sundhedsplejerske) .
The health visitor is a registered nurse with special training in child health and development. She/he can provide advice on infant care, breastfeeding, the small child’s sleep, crying and comfort, how to best support your child’s development, how your family changes with the arrival of the new family member, and a whole lot more.
Find more information about Sundhedsplejen in Odense and topics for families with small children on the website of Sundhedsplejen (in Danish).
Find your health visitor, based on your address of residence in Odense.
Groups for parents
Many new mothers in Denmark join a mother's group. Talk to your midwife or health visitor, who can help you arrange a mother's group with other local mothers who gave birth around the same time.Find information about international parent's groups and activities in Odense.
For more information on family and children visit