Spring til indhold


Research and preparation.

Here, you'll learn about the following:

  • What is common in Denmark?

  • Preparing and going for a job interview

  • After the job interview

What is common in Denmark

In Denmark, it is common to advertise positions 2-3 months in advance. The reason is, that if the chosen candidate is currently employed elsewhere, they normally have one month’s notice from the 1st of the month, which means they probably must complete a month at their current workplace before being able to start a new position.



The Danish job market is “quiet” during the summer – especially in July, where most parents take time off because of school summer breaks. Therefore, most companies recruit before or after summer holidays.




A candidate can usually expect a first - and maybe second - round of interviews, and possibly one or more tests (personality tests, IQ tests, a case solving test, etc.). Depending on the nature of the position and the company there may be even more steps.


If the process ends up with you getting the job, the company will send you a contract to review and sign. Many contracts are written in Danish, but even if yours is written in English, there still might be mistakes or unfair conditions in it that you yourself cannot identify. If you are a member of an unemployment fund and/or trade union, ask them to review your contract. It is standard practice, and the employer knows it, so you will not offend anyone by doing so.



Preparing and going for a job interview

Getting called in for an interview is a great feeling, but for most people feelings of uncertainty

or nervousness can arise. If you are very nervous, there are a few things to keep in mind:


  • There is a reason you got invited for an interview. If the company is not interested in you, they will not ask you for an interview.
  • The interview is an opportunity for the company to meet you and get a feeling of how you would fit in the position and in the organization overall.
  • It is also your opportunity to review the company: is this a place you would like to work?


 Here are a few tips on how to prepare:


  1. When you get the call for an interview (or invitation by e-mail), make sure to ask if there is anything you need to prepare. Most companies will tell you if you need to bring certain papers or send you a pre-interview test if they have one, but by asking you will show initiative and you might get “nice to know” information.


  2. Research the company again. You have already researched the company before applying for the job but take some time to make sure you have the relevant or any new information that might have come out since you last did your research. Also, read up on relevant tasks, systems, technical skills, laws, etc. that the position requires so you are prepared to answer questions/make relevant points during the interview.


  3. Google the interview participants if you know who they are. This will give you a sense of who you are facing and their background. In many cases this can also help you feel less nervous, since you have an idea of who you will meet when you get to your interview.


  4. Prepare some questions for the company. Remember, this is your chance to know if the position is right for you – and it will also give you a chance to control some parts of the conversation.


  5. Make a good first impression. Before the interview, reflect on what impression you want to leave the hiring committee with. Is it your past results? Your management/other skills? Something else? Preparing will help you communicate more clearly and emphasize the things most important to you.


  6. Prepare answers for the questions you may get – also the difficult questions. If you are asked about past challenges, your willingness to move or commute, or something similar, how will you reply?


  7. Prepare your elevator pitch. Usually, the first question you get is: “Can you tell us a bit about yourself?” Here, the company doesn’t expect your life story or how many cats you have. They expect a 30-60 second presentation of yourself, your past experiences, your ambitions, your most important skills, why you applied for the position and how you can contribute to it.


  8. Rehearse a few success stories from you work life, where you have solved a problem or overcome a challenge. Think about how these stories present your skills and personality and you as an employee/ manager.


  9. Think about compensation expectations and research how similar jobs are paid. If you are a member of a trade union, they can give you some guidelines on what to expect and how to make your arguments.


  10. Bring relevant papers. If you have a portfolio, projects, or anything else that will be relevant for the job, bring it to the job interview. You can also bring a list of references for the company to contact after the interview.


  11. Do not be late – and do not come too early! 5 minutes before is perfect – announce your arrival, takeseat and wait for them to come get you.


  12. Right before the interview find a quiet, undisturbed place and practice a couple of minutes of “power posing”. That will give you more self-confidence and make you perform better. It has been scientifically proved.

You can find more tips for the job interview, examples of interview questions to ask the company and the questions they may ask you here:



After the job interview

You will hear different opinions on whether you should follow up after an interview or not. Sending a short and kind e-mail to the person you were in contact with will likely just highlight your genuine interest in the position/company.


In the e-mail you can thank once more for the job interview and include a few bullet points about why you believe you are the right fit for the job. You can also include any information you forgot to mention or did not explain fully during the interview.


If the interviewer asked for some additional information or documentation during the interview, you should also include that in the e-mail (and send it shortly after the interview instead of waiting until the next day).


Once you have sent the e-mail, your job is done (for now). If you have not heard from the company after a couple of weeks and they did not inform you of a different timeframe for the process during the interview, you can contact the company once more to hear how far they are in the hiring process.