Spring til indhold


Get a good start on your job search.

Here, you'll learn about the following:

  • How to prepare for the job search process

  • Where to search for jobs

How to prepare for the job search process

Prior to job searching, you will have to make sure you meet the requirements set by Danish legislation:


In addition to this, it might be a good idea to get your educational qualifications assessed by the Danish authorities. This may improve your chances of finding a job. Learn more about this in the ´Assessment and recognition of foreign qualifications´ section of this guide.



You can give yourself the best start on your job searching process by addressing the following:


  1. Identify your skills and competences (what are you good at, educated in, have experience with?).


  2. Get a clear idea of which positions you will be able to hold based on step 1. LinkedIn is a good source in this exercise to see what others with similar profiles and skills are working with – and in which companies.


  3. Consider which positions you may be qualified for but do not find desirable (if any).


  4. Consider which other types of employment you are willing to take (e.g., positions below your qualifications or unskilled work) if your need or wish of getting a job outweighs other factors.


  5. Think about commute time, working hours and other criteria you have for your next job. Should some of them be more flexible? The broader your search is and the less criteria you have, the greater chance of success.


  6. Once you know what kind of jobs you are interested in, find out which job titles, key words, etc. you should use in your search for relevant job openings or companies. As a rule, you should always use key words in Danish and English when searching for relevant job ads. This way, you will be sure not to miss out on interesting positions for which you could be a potential candidate.


Lastly, a piece of advice:

Your chance of finding a job will increase tremendously if you understand the rules and conditions of the Danish labor market and what employers expect from you - and if you embrace an active approach to your job search.



Where to search for jobs
There are many different approaches to job searching, and some might suit you better than others. However, your chance of finding a job increases when you know and apply all available resources in the right way.


In all your searches - on job portals, for open positions or during research on relevant companies - remember to use keywords in English as well as in Danish. This way you will get more – and more relevant – results.




The biggest job portal in Denmark is www.jobindex.dk and it has many helpful features. You can set the language to either Danish or English at the top of the page to make navigation on the website easier. The portal gives you an overview of the possibilities within your field and interests, as well as help you find relevant/interesting job listings.


The job database on Jobindex will give you an overview of the possibilities within your field and will help you find interesting open positions to apply for. You can make a simple or a more advanced search for specific keywords, companies, job categories, geographical areas, etc. Do not make your search(es) too narrow, as you may risk missing out on important job opportunities.


As you search, consider:

  • selecting more job categories
  • choosing a broader geographical scope (commuting in Denmark is quite easy and distances are short)
  • using different keywords – also in Danish being flexible when it comes to titles and positions

Once you have chosen your search criteria and the amount of results it generates, you can
create a Job Agent. The job agent will send you e-mail notifications from Jobindex when new positions that match your criteria are posted. You can create as many job agents with different search criteria as you like. And you can easily delete them again.

You can also upload your resume to the Jobindex CV databaseBy posting your CV, you will be visible for employers and head-hunters, who can contact you if they have a job matching your qualifications and search criteria (including jobs that are not posted). The CV database is used by Jobindex’s own recruiters, as well as companies and recruitment agencies.

In Jobindex’s job ad archiveyou can see more than 70,000 previously advertised (no longer open) positions. They can be a good source of inspiration and information about specific companies, departments, positions, or tasks. Information that can prove very valuable while preparing for a job interview or writing an application. Furthermore, the job ad archive can give you a list of companies that have hired people with similar skills to yours in the past. This information can be very helpful in your future job search since you will know which companies to follow and approach with an unsolicited application.

Jobindex can also provide a lot of inspiration, relevant information, tips and tricks for your job search:

Finally, Jobindex can provide you with company specific statistics on job development over time and ratings from previous and current employees.




Workindenmark is the official Danish office and website for international recruitment and job seeking.

Workindenmark’s website offers great job search video tutorials and an e-learning course on job search containing four modules:


  • Job search in Denmark
  • Contacting companies and succeed in job interviews
  • The use of LinkedIn in your job search
  • An introduction to Danish workplace culture


Furthermore, you can search for interesting positions in Workindenmark’s job portal and create your CV on the EURES portal.


Finally, make sure to visit Workindenmark’s guide to living and working in Denmark.




www.jobnet.dk is the public job centres’ website for jobseekers and employers in Denmark. Jobnet allows you to search for a job among many thousands of vacant positions. Apart from this information in English, the website is entirely in Danish, but Google Translate can get you far. Like on Jobindex, you can search for jobs in the Jobnet job bank. The website also includes a CV database. To upload your CV there, you need to register as a job seeker on Jobnet. After you register, you are obligated to “follow up” by logging on to Jobnet at least once every 13 weeks for your CV to remain visible to recruiters.



If you are receiving financial support from an unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse) or the municipality, you are obliged to log on to Jobnet more often and register your job search activity. Contact an employee in your local job centre if you have questions.



Odense Robotics

Odense Robotics is Denmark’s cluster for robots, automation, and drones. You can see a list of the cluster’s member companies and associated partners here and use it as inspiration for which companies to contact about job possibilities. On the website you can upload your resume to the CV database and search for interesting positions in the job bank


All companies need a variety of different skillsets to function, so even if you are not a robotics genius or a software wizard, there might be a job for you too.




Other job portals/websites

In addition to the resources listed above, there might be other relevant job portals and websites that are field-specific, depending on you field or trade. On the website Jobfisk.dk you can find more examples of private and public job databases. Google can be an additional resource in your job search, and with a mix of relevant keywords, you can find both job portals and specific job openings. An example could be a Google search for “job”, “nurse” and “Odense” or “Fyn” or “Denmark”. Remember to conduct a similar search in Danish. In addition, Work-live-stay’s career portal can expand your job search even further and give you an introduction to more companies in the fields you are interested in.


Academic and research positions

A position in the public sector is required by law to be listed publicly. Many academic and research positions

are found within the public sector (hospitals, educational institutions, etc.). Therefore, you will be able to find most of them on Jobindex and Jobnet.


However, you can also keep an eye on the websites of the specific institutions, e.g.:


Recruitment agencies

A recruitment agency can be helpful in your job search. On Jobfisk.dk you can find list of recruitment agencies (not exhaustive) operating in Denmark. In addition to becoming registered in the respective agency’s CV database, most of the recruitment agencies also have their own job databases with vacancies.



It is free of charge to become registered in a recruitment agency’s CV database.


Job fairs

Attending job fairs is another helpful activity during your job search. A fair can provide you with the opportunity

to test your ability to present your profile, meet representatives from relevant companies and get their contact details. Last, but not least, attending fairs can help you get tips and crucial information about a company’s needs, or the field you are interested in.


On Jobfisk.dk and messeguide.dk (in Danish) you can find lists of upcoming job fairs. The lists are not exhaustive, but a good place to start.


Each of the big venues for hosting fairs in Denmark also lists upcoming events on their website, e.g.:


Temporary employment agencies

Some companies engage temporary employment agencies when looking to fill time-limited positions, or if they prefer the flexibility of being able to hire and let go of employees on a short-term notice. Some temporary employment agencies specialize in the supply of labor to certain industries or fields and are very selective of the candidates they take in (certain profiles, requirement of Danish skills, etc.). Other agencies offer a wide range of profiles and are very flexible with the candidates’ qualifications.

On jobfisk.dk you will find a list of temporary employment agencies. The list is not exhaustive, so a Google search with relevant keywords may also be helpful in finding more agencies. Try contacting them to hear if they have any possibilities for temporary work - and if not, ask if they can add you to their candidate database. A temporary position can be a good way to get some local experience for your CV, improve your Danish skills, and possibly get your foot in the door at a company.



LinkedIn can be a very valuable tool in your job search. As a job seeker in Denmark you should have a LinkedIn profile. Make sure that your profile is fully updated and provides a clear and detailed overview of your educational background, work history, competences, responsibilities, results, endorsements, etc.

LinkedIn is a widely used tool in Denmark, as more and more companies use recruiting agencies to find interesting candidates through platforms like LinkedIn instead of posting a job opening through the usual channels. Also, many companies create company pages on LinkedIn, so here you can keep yourself updated on company news and needs, as well as interesting job openings. Based on this information, you will be able to send a more targeted application for a listed position, or a great unsolicited application.

To stay active on LinkedIn you can endorse and recommend people from your LinkedIn network, add new connections, post interesting thoughts or articles on a topic you are experienced in, etc. Posting or commenting on others’ posts is also a way of keeping an active profile. This will enhance your visibility and maybe attract the attention of a recruiter or your future employer.


Also, you can ask your network (previous managers or colleagues) to endorse and recommend you directly on LinkedIn. This way, the viewers of your profile will view and review your skills and get an idea of what kind of employee, colleague, or manager you are.


On Workindenmark’s website you can take an e-learning course for job seekers on LinkedIn and networking.

Finally, you can find great tips and tricks to optimize your LinkedIn profile h ere and h ere. Your time and effort will be well spent!


Remember to set your geographical location on LinkedIn to the city/country in which you are looking for job opportunities. This way your profile will pop up if a company or recruiter makes a local search for a person with your competences.