International Citizen
Here you can find information in English about International Citizen Service and the registration process when moving to Odense.

The Immigration Service’s Citizen Service
You can get personal service at the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service in Odense. You can only visit Citizen Service if you book an appointment in advance.
Immigration Service's Citizen Service - book an appointment and find the address
International Citizen Service South
Moving to Denmark? There’s a lot to take care of when you arrive in Denmark as a foreign employee or job seeker. International Citizen Service (ICS) is there to help and has all the services you need in one place.
International Citizen Service is a nationwide service for newly arrived workers staying for more than three months. ICS is a coordinating cooperation between all the relevant Danish authorities. At ICS, you can get the necessary paperwork done.
Go to the website of International Citizen Service South
Go to the City of Odense's website in English